Wednesday, May 4, 2016

May 4, 2016

Grade 4 Students
Parents, please read the important notice coming home today.

PIRLS - Grade 4 Students
Please return the parent survey.  If you do not have time to complete it that is okay.  We need to account for all surveys given and mail them to the researchers.  

Math Homework
With parent/guardian permission, please visit the website Math Live Alberta.
Please review and practice multiplying 2 digits by 1 digit.
Please do the multiplication questions below:

a) 32x4=
b) 16x6=
c) 43x5=
d) 55x7=
e) 64x8=
f)  75x9=
g) 83x3=
h) 96x2=

***Remember to draw the place-value chart and to show all of your work.***

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