Tuesday, May 3, 2016

May 3, 2016

May 3, 2016

On Wednesday, May 4, 2016, teachers and students can show their support for positive mental health by participating in Hats On! For Mental Health, which is sponsored by the Alberta Teachers’ Association, the Canadian Mental Health Association and Global TV.
Everyone has a role in promoting positive mental health and healthy relationships – in our schools, communities and workplaces.
Mental Health Awareness Week is May 2 to May 8, 2016. A focus on positive mental health for students, families, schools and communities contributes to building a welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning environment that respects diversity and nurtures a sense of belonging and positive sense of self. Students who are mentally healthy are better able to achieve success, are more resilient and are more likely to build healthy relationships.
You can also learn more about supporting positive mental health in schools by visiting Alberta Education’sMental Health webpage.
Thank you for being part of the ongoing conversation around mental health.

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