Thursday, December 17, 2015

December 17, 2015

Skate Night

A reminder that tonight is our family in-line skate evening and sing-a-long in the music room between 6:00pm-8:00pm.  Families who have confirmed will be skating from 6:00pm-7:00pm or from 7:00-8:00pm.  Come and join the singing when you are not skating!

Pajama Day

We are very excited to announce that every student in our school we be coming home with pajama's donated by the Vista Heights Action Committee. 
Students are invited to wear their pajama's to school tomorrow.
Students are allowed to bring 1 stuffy as long as it fits into their backpack.  

Pizza Lunch

We are pleased to announce that a very generous anonymous donor will be providing a free pizza lunch tomorrow for staff and students.  
Thank you!


Plot the following numbers on a number line from least to greatest.

12 020
12 036
12 004
12 028
12 016
12 024
12 012
12 008
12 032

What is the pattern?

Monday, December 14, 2015

December 14, 2015


Plot the following numbers on a number line.  
As a strategy look for a pattern. 
Explain your thinking.


Wednesday, December 9, 2015

December 9, 2015

December 9th, 2015


*Alien In-Line Skating begins on Friday, December 11th.
*Students must wear socks in order to participate.
*Families interested in Family Skate Night, please sign and return the slips that were sent home asap.


Draw a place-value chart and compare the following numbers in a way that makes sense to you. 


Language Arts

1. Write a sentence about a snowman using 3 adjectives only.
2. Write a sentence about a snowman using 3 adverbs only.
If you are not sure what an adverb is or an adjective please review the video on brainpopjr. 

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

December 8, 2015



Please review the video called 'light' on brainpopjr.


Add 11 ones to the number 532.
Use a place-value chart.

Add 8 tens to the number 6572.
Use a place-value chart.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

December 1st, 2015


Please begin practicing the math goals you were working on in class today. 


Parent Teacher Conferences

*Conferences will be held on the evening of December 3rd and on the morning of December 4th.  

*Please copy and paste the link below to book an appointment.


*The December newsletter and calendar is coming home today*The form for the Alien In-Line Family Skate Evening is coming home today.  
  Please complete and return to school by Friday, December 11th.  
  Choose one time to skate and go to the music room to sing during the other time.

Free Pizza Lunch – Friday, December 18th

*We have a generous and anonymous donor who wishes to purchase a pizza lunch for our school.  Starting tomorrow, Mrs. McCrae will visit students to ask them for their choice of pizza (cheese, pepperoni, Hawaiian).  The lunch will also include juice and a snack.  IF you do NOT want your child to be served the free pizza lunch please notify the teacher.

Purdy’s Order 

Orders can be picked up during conferences on December 3rd & 4th.

Monday, November 30, 2015

November 30th, 2015

November 30, 2015


A letter will be sent home today regarding a practice lock down tomorrow.


Friday, November 27, 2015

November 27, 2015


Parent Teacher Conferences

*Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held on the evening of December 3rd and on the   morning of December 4th.  

*Please copy and paste the link below to book an appointment.

Alien In-Line Skating 

Forms and payment are due on Monday, November 30th

Thursday, November 26, 2015

November 26, 2015

November 26, 2015


* Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held on the evening of December 3rd and on the   morning of December 4th.  Please note that the start date for parent’s booking conferences is 8:00am on November 27th. Copy and paste the following link into your internet browser to book an appointment

*There will be a French Test on Friday, November 27th for grade 4 students.


In French class we are currently studying the different parts of the body.
With your family's permission watch the video by alain le lait 'Les Parties Du Corps'.
Practice the following vocabulary at home:

mains - hands
pieds - feet
jambes - legs
nez - nose
ventre - stomach
dos - back
muscles - muscles
sous - under
peau - skin
tete - head
cou - neck
oreilles - ears
genoux - knees
yeux - eyes
joues - cheeks
bouche - mouth
os - bones
petits - small
gros - big


Represent the number 5903 using the following strategies:

Place-Value Chart
Standard Form
Pizza Method
Expanded Form
Base-10 Blocks Drawing
Word Form

Prove It!

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

November 23, 2015

November 23, 2015


* Hat Day is on Wednesday, November 25th.  
   Students can choose to wear a hat.  
   If there is writing on the hat please ensure that it is appropriate for school.

*There will be a Math Test on Thursday, November 26th.

*There will be a French Test on Friday, November 27th.


In French class we are currently studying the different parts of the body.
With your family's permission watch the video by alain le lait 'Les Parties Du Corps'.
Practice the following vocabulary at home:

mains - hands
pieds - feet
jambes - legs
nez - nose
ventre - stomach
dos - back
muscles - muscles
sous - under
peau - skin
tete - head
cou - neck
oreilles - ears
genoux - knees
yeux - eyes
joues - cheeks
bouche - mouth
os - bones
petits - small

gros - big

Monday, November 23, 2015

November 23, 2015

November 23, 2015


* Hat Day is on Wednesday, November 25th.  
   Students can choose to wear a hat.  
   If there is writing on the hat please ensure that it is appropriate for school.

*There will be a Math Test on Thursday, November 26th.

*There will be a French Test on Friday, November 27th.


Social Studies

Please share what you learned during our museum tour today.
Please share what you learned during our nature scavenger hunt today. 


* Write a 4 digit number
* Place an 8 in the hundreds column
* Make up the rest of the digits
* Write the number in standard form
* Write the number in expanded form
* Write the number in word form
* Draw a place-value chart to represent the number
* Use the pizza-method
* Represent the number in base-10 blocks


In French class we are currently studying the different parts of the body.
With your family's permission watch the video by alain le lait 'Les Parties Du Corps'.
Practice the following vocabulary at home:

mains - hands
pieds - feet
jambes - legs
nez - nose
ventre - stomach
dos - back
muscles - muscles
sous - under
peau - skin
tete - head
cou - neck
oreilles - ears
genoux - knees
yeux - eyes
joues - cheeks
bouche - mouth
os - bones
petits - small
gros - big

Thursday, November 19, 2015

November 19, 2015


* There is no school tomorrow on Friday, November 20th as it is a PD Day.
* We are going to Fish-Creek Park on Monday, November 23rd.  
* Please remember to bring a lunch, snack and drink for the field trip. 
* Please dress appropriately for the weather in case the bus breaks down.
* Alien In-Line Skating forms and payment are due asap

Math Homework

* Write a 4 digit number
* Place an 8 in the hundreds column
* Make up the rest of the digits
* Write the number in standard form
* Write the number in expanded form
* Write the number in word form
* Draw a place-value chart to represent the number
* Use the pizza-method
* Represent the number in base-10 blocks


In French class we are currently studying the different parts of the body.
With your family's permission watch the video by alain le lait 'Les Parties Du Corps'.
Practice the following vocabulary at home:

mains - hands
pieds - feet
jambes - legs
nez - nose
ventre - stomach
dos - back
muscles - muscles
sous - under
peau - skin
tete - head
cou - neck
oreilles - ears
genoux - knees
yeux - eyes
joues - cheeks
bouche - mouth
os - bones
petits - small
gros - big

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

November 18, 2015


* There is no school on Friday, November 20th as it is a Professional Development Day
* Fish-Creek Park field trip forms are due tomorrow.  
* We are going to Fish-Creek Park on Monday, November 23rd.  
* Please remember to bring a lunch, snack and drink for the field trip. 
 * Please dress appropriately for the weather in case the bus breaks down.
* Alien In-Line Skating forms are due asap

Math Homework

* Write a 4 digit number
* Place a 3 in the hundreds column
* Make up the rest of the digits
* Write the number in standard form
* Write the number in expanded form
* Write the number in word form
* Draw a place-value chart to represent the number
* Use the pizza-method
* Represent the number in base-10 blocks

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

November 17, 2015


*Photo retakes are tomorrow.  Students must bring back their photo retake forms if they would like retakes.
*Fish Creek Park field trip forms are due tomorrow.
*There is no school on Friday, November 20th as it is a Professional Development Day.

Monday, November 16, 2015

November 16, 2015


*Purdy's orders will not be accepted after Tuesday, November 17th.
*Fish-Creek Park forms are due by Wednesday, November 18th.
*Alien In-Line Skating forms and payment are due asap.


Students, please share with your family what you learned about the 4 community groups during our field trip at Fort Calgary today.

Guiding Questions

Which 4 communities groups did we learn about?
What kinds of artefacts did we discover in the luggage we explored? 
What clues can artefacts give us about the past?

Friday, November 13, 2015

November 13, 2015



*Students will be bringing home a field trip form home regarding Fish Creek Park.            Please read, sign and return by Wednesday, November 18th.  
If you have security clearance and would like to volunteer please contact me.
*Please read, sign and return Alien In-Line skating forms asap.  


*Purdy's order forms are due on Monday, November 16th.
*Picture order and retake forms are due on Monday, November 16th.
*Photo retakes will be on Wednesday, November 18th.
*There is no school for students on Friday, November 20th as it is a PD Day.



a) Write a 4 digit number with a seven in the hundreds column
b) Write a 3 digit number with an eight in the tens column 
c) Draw a place value chart and represent the following numbers in standard form, expanded form and in base-10 blocks.


In French class we are currently studying the different parts of the body.
With your family's permission watch the video by alain le lait 'Les Parties Du Corps'.
Practice the following vocabulary at home:

mains - hands
pieds - feet
jambes - legs
nez - nose
ventre - stomach
dos - back
muscles - muscles
sous - under
peau - skin
tete - head
cou - neck
oreilles - ears
genoux - knees
yeux - eyes
joues - cheeks
bouche - mouth
os - bones
petits - small
gros - big

Thursday, November 12, 2015

November 12, 2015


*Students will be bringing home a notice regarding in-line skating.  Please read, sign and return asap.
*Parents if you are reading the blog please call the office tomorrow morning and say the magic word "peace" to our office staff.  Thanks!


Social Studies

What would you see in an urban area?
What would you see in a suburban area?
What would you see in a rural area?

If you are not sure what any of these words mean watch the video 'Urban, Suburban and Rural' on

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

November 10, 2015

November 10th, 2015


*There is No School tomorrow as it is Remembrance Day.
*Please return Fort Calgary field trip forms asap.


Turn the following expanded numbers into standard numbers using one of the strategies we practiced today.  
The strategies you can choose from are:

*the pizza method
*the place-value chart

a)   8000 + 700 + 60 + 2
b)               300 + 30 + 3
c)                         20 + 1
d)                                 7

Monday, November 9, 2015

November 9th, 2015

November 9, 2015

*Please return Fort Calgary field-trip forms asap.
*There is no school on Wednesday, November 11th as it is Remembrance Day.  
*Our school ceremony will begin at 10:45am tomorrow morning.


Practice turning these standard numbers into expanded form.  Use the pizza method.

a) 1234
b) 9999
c) 3067
d)  439
e)  509
f)    62

Friday, November 6, 2015

November 6, 2015

November 6th, 2015


*There is no school on Wednesday, November 11th as it is Remembrance Day
*Please read, sign and return the permission forms for the Fort Calgary field trip
*Students interested in the Comic Life Club, please bring back your signed permission forms
*The Remembrance Day Ceremony is at 10:45am on Tuesday, November 10th


A farmer harvests 3028 ears of corn.
Draw Base Ten Blocks to model this number.
Draw a Place-Value Chart to show this number.

Language Arts

Please edit the following sentences.  Here is a list of punctuation marks you can use to edit your sentences: 
comma ,
capitalization A B C
uppercase/lowercase A/b
period .
exclamation mark !
question mark ?

If you forgot how to use any of these punctuation marks, please visit  
Click on reading and writing, then click on sentences.  
You can watch the videos 'types of sentences', 'commas with adjectives and lists', 'commas with clauses', and 'capital and lowercase'.

1. i respect myself i respect others i respect the school

2. Jenny likes to eat a warm chocolate chip cookie drizzled with chocolate sauce and two scoops of ice cream.

3. she dreamt of Lions, Tigers, and Bears, OH MY!

4. Are Plants Alive!

5. representing number with base-10 blocks is fun?

6. There is no school on wednesday november 11 because it is remembrance day

7. i wish i could go to the movies on friday go skating on saturday, and to the circus on 

8. i’m so excited to visit fort calgary on monday november 16

9. why does the teacher call Me a munchkin

10. the Students in room 4 are smart creative brave gentle, and hard working

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

November 4, 2015

November 4, 2015

Learning Task #1
Draw the place-value chart. 

Learning Task #2
Represent the numbers below by placing the digits in the correct place-value.


Learning Task #3
Draw base-10 blocks representing the numbers above in the correct place-value.


Students will be bringing home a field-trip notice.  Please read, sign and return asap. 

Monday, November 2, 2015

November 2, 2015


Dear Botanists,

Please explain to your family which tool we used today to research plants.
Why did we use at least 3 different ones?
What are the key ideas you remember from your research?
Do you know what a Botanist does?

See you tomorrow!
Project Manager Johl


*The November Newsletter is coming home today
*A Purdy's Chocolate Fundraiser Package is coming home today