Monday, November 23, 2015

November 23, 2015

November 23, 2015


* Hat Day is on Wednesday, November 25th.  
   Students can choose to wear a hat.  
   If there is writing on the hat please ensure that it is appropriate for school.

*There will be a Math Test on Thursday, November 26th.

*There will be a French Test on Friday, November 27th.


Social Studies

Please share what you learned during our museum tour today.
Please share what you learned during our nature scavenger hunt today. 


* Write a 4 digit number
* Place an 8 in the hundreds column
* Make up the rest of the digits
* Write the number in standard form
* Write the number in expanded form
* Write the number in word form
* Draw a place-value chart to represent the number
* Use the pizza-method
* Represent the number in base-10 blocks


In French class we are currently studying the different parts of the body.
With your family's permission watch the video by alain le lait 'Les Parties Du Corps'.
Practice the following vocabulary at home:

mains - hands
pieds - feet
jambes - legs
nez - nose
ventre - stomach
dos - back
muscles - muscles
sous - under
peau - skin
tete - head
cou - neck
oreilles - ears
genoux - knees
yeux - eyes
joues - cheeks
bouche - mouth
os - bones
petits - small
gros - big

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