Tuesday, December 1, 2015

December 1st, 2015


Please begin practicing the math goals you were working on in class today. 


Parent Teacher Conferences

*Conferences will be held on the evening of December 3rd and on the morning of December 4th.  

*Please copy and paste the link below to book an appointment.


*The December newsletter and calendar is coming home today*The form for the Alien In-Line Family Skate Evening is coming home today.  
  Please complete and return to school by Friday, December 11th.  
  Choose one time to skate and go to the music room to sing during the other time.

Free Pizza Lunch – Friday, December 18th

*We have a generous and anonymous donor who wishes to purchase a pizza lunch for our school.  Starting tomorrow, Mrs. McCrae will visit students to ask them for their choice of pizza (cheese, pepperoni, Hawaiian).  The lunch will also include juice and a snack.  IF you do NOT want your child to be served the free pizza lunch please notify the teacher.

Purdy’s Order 

Orders can be picked up during conferences on December 3rd & 4th.

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