Friday, June 24, 2016

June 24, 2016

Stampede Breakfast
Please join us for our Stampede Breakfast on Monday, June 27 at 9:00am.  All families are welcome!  Bring a picnic blanket to sit on and a drink to enjoy your meal on the field.
There will be NO breakfast club on that morning as the breakfast begins at 9:00am.
You are welcome to dress up in your Western wear.

*Please bring a back pack and additional bag so you can take home all of your belongings.
*Monday, June 27th is the last day of school.
*Tuesday, June 28th is Appeals Day from 8:00am-12:00pm.

Monday, June 20, 2016

June 20, 2016

Math Homework

Find 3 things at home you could measure in centimeters.
Find 3 things at home you could measure in meters.
Think of 3 places you could visit.  The distance from your home to there would be measured in kilometers. 


The Farewell Assembly is on Thursday, June 23, 10:30-11:30.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

June 9, 2016

Important Reminders
As of today, we do not have enough parent volunteers to run the casino nights at the end of June.  The casino nights are vital to helping us raise funds so students can have learning opportunities such as swimming, field-trips, math manipulatives, a new playground etc. Free babysitting will be provided.  Please contact the school to volunteer.

Math Homework
Practice ordering the following fractions from greatest to least greatest (smallest).
one fourth, one-half, 1 whole, one third

For each fraction write it as:
*a numerator and denominator
*the value in money
*a picture that represents the fraction

Friday, June 3, 2016

June 3, 2016


There is no school today as it is a Professional Development Day.

Math Homework

1. What are fractions?
2. What is a numerator?
3. What is a denominator?
4. Practice drawing the following fractions:

a) one-half
b) three-fourths
c) two and one-halves

Monday, May 30, 2016

May 30, 2016

Math Homework

Use the following steps to guide you.

Look at the dividend.  In the example above it is 16.
Draw an array/picture showing 16 candies.

c c c
c c c
c c c
c c c
c c c

How many equal groups of 3 can you make if you have 16 candies?
You can make 5 groups of 3.  You have 5 groups and in each group you have 3 candies.
Write the 5 which is the quotient in the ones column above the dividend.

How many candies have you used in total when you made 5 groups of 3.
You used 15 candies. Write 15 under the 16 which is the dividend.
Now subtract the new total from the 16 your dividend and you will get a remainder of 1.

To prove your work multiply the divisor of 3 and the quotient 5 so 3x5=15.
Add the remainder  3x5=15+1=16 and you will get 16.

Solve the following questions using the steps above to guide you.

a) 3 √ 18
b) 4 √ 22
c) 5√ 36
d) 6√ 43
e) 7 √ 51
f) 8 √ 59
g) 9 √ 60

Science Homework

What is larva?
What is a pupa?
What does metamorphosis mean?
What is a chrysalis? 
What are the important changes in the life cycle of a butterfly?