Tuesday, April 26, 2016

April 26, 2016

Progress In International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS)

Parents read the important notice coming home with your son or daughter regarding this important research study.
Students will be participating in the study tomorrow on Wednesday, April 27th from 9:00am-12:00pm.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact myself or the contacts listed on the notice.

Book Fair
Thank you to everyone who contributed to making the school book fair a success!


Draw the following arrays:

a) 2x4=8
b) 3x7=21
c) 4x8=32
d) 5x6=30
e) 6x7=42
f)  7x7=49
g) 8x6=48
h) 9x9=81

Friday, April 22, 2016

April 22, 2016

Important Reminder
There is no school on Monday, April 25th for students as it is a Professional Development Day.

Student Parent Teacher Conferences
If you were not able to book a time please contact me and we can arrange another time in the near future to discuss your child's learning journey.

Math Homework
1.Choose a multiplication sentence
2.Write it down 
3.Draw the multiplication sentence you chose as an array of squares 
4.Remember to have equal groups, rows and columns
5.Draw a building like we did in class
6.Draw the array on the building as your windows
7.Don't forget to draw a door and chimney  
8.Review all multiplication videos on brainpopjr.com  
9.Use your long weekend to take care of your mind and body:)  

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

April 20, 2016

Reminder - Student Learning Conferences 

Please book a conference for Thursday, April 21st from 4:15-8:00pm or for Friday, April 22nd from 8:00am-12:30pm.
You can click on this link to book a conference.

Math Homework

Multiplication Distributive Property

xxxx    xxx  x
xxxx    xxx  x
xxxx    xxx  x
xxxx    xxx  x
xxxx    xxx  x

Look at the array.
How is the array organized?
In r___ and ____.
Each group is e______.

a) Write a multiplication representing the total number of x's ____x______=40
Break the array into 2 parts and write two multiplication sentences.

+  ___x____= ___   

b) Break the array into 3 parts and write three multiplication sentences.
+  ___x____= ___   
+ ____x____=___

Monday, April 18, 2016

April 18, 2016

Earth Rangers

This past Friday, April 15th, students engaged in an inspiring presentation delivered by the Earth Rangers, financially supported by the Canadian Government and by the TD Friends of the Environment Foundation.

Students learned about the five main reasons (HIPPO) why animals are becoming endangered, participated in an interactive activity demonstrating the consequences of habitat loss, and discovered ways they can take action to help protect animals.

Students will be bringing home information about the program today.
Ask your child what HIPPO stands for.

Reminder - Student Learning Conferences 

Please book a conference for Thursday, April 21st from 4:15-8:00pm or for Friday, April 22nd from 8:00am-12:30pm.
You can now click on this link to book a conference.

Social Studies Homework

Please find an artefact that represents your family's culture and bring it to class to share tomorrow.  Artefacts can be clothing, a cooking recipe, a photograph of a person, place or thing, an object, a book, a piece of jewelry or anything else that represents you and your family.

Friday, April 15, 2016

April 15, 2016


The Scholastic Book Fair will begin next week on Tuesday, April 19 to Friday, April 22.  
Please browse through the brochure.
Soccer Camp brochures are also coming home today.

Reminder - Student Learning Conferences 

Please book a conference for Thursday, April 21st from 4:15-8:00pm or for Friday, April 22nd from 8:00am-12:30pm.
You can now click on this link to book a conference.

***There will be no school for students on Friday, April 22nd due to conferences.
***If these times or dates do not work for you please e-mail me or call me to arrange another time.  If you will not be attending please send me an e-mail.

Math Homework
1. When doing multiplication is it important to make equal groups? If yes, why? Explain your answer using a drawing.
2. What is an array?  What do you need to remember when drawing an array.
3. Draw an array of your choice. Write a multiplication sentence.  Write the sentence's commutative property.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

April 14, 2016

Math Homework 

*Draw arrays for the following numbers
*Remember to draw neat rows and columns so that anyone looking at your array can clearly come up with a multiplication sentence
*For each array you draw, write a multiplication sentence and its commutative property.

a) 18
b) 36
c) 64


Please share with someone what you learned about rocks and minerals at the geological sites you visited today!

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

April 12, 2016

April 12, 2016

Math Homework

What is the multiplication commutative property?
Think of the example 4x6=12 and 6x4=24

Social Studies Homework

Think of an artefact that contributes to your identity.
What is it?
Why is it important to your identity?
Where did it come from?
Who gave it to you?
When did you get it?

Monday, April 11, 2016

April 11, 2016

Student Learning Conferences 

Please book a conference for Thursday, April 21st from 4:15-8:00pm or for Friday, April 22nd from 8:00am-12:30pm.
You can click on this link to book a conference beginning this Friday, April 15 at 8:30am.
There is a notice coming home today regarding this.
If these times or dates do not work for you please e-mail me or call me to arrange another time.  If you will not be attending please send me an e-mail.


Please talk to your parents about the vegetable you will be planting in the classroom garden.  
What did you learn about the vegetable from the front and back of the seed package?

Thursday, April 7, 2016

April 7, 2016


Please be on time for school tomorrow, Friday April 8th.  
We will be leaving the school at 9:00am sharp for the Aggie Days field trip and will be returning by 2:45pm.
Please bring water, lunch and snacks. 
Dress for the weather and wear comfortable walking shoes.

Math Homework

Practice the Decomposing Numbers Subtraction Strategy.
Remember to draw the place-value chart.
Remember to daw base-10 blocks.
Use a different subtraction strategy such as borrowing, zero zapper or the open number line to check your answer.

a) 76-39=
b) 2012-1199=
c)16 175 - 14 999=

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

April 5, 2016

April 5th, 2016

Important Notices

Please find 2 important notices coming home with your child today.
Please feel free to call the office if you have any questions or concerns.


Field-trip forms for Aggie Days are due by tomorrow, Wednesday, April 6!
We will be leaving the school on Friday, April 8th at 9:00am sharp and will be returning by 3:00pm. Please ensure your child has a lunch, snacks, water and is dressed appropriately for the weather.

Math Homework

Practice the Open Number Line Subtraction Strategy for the following questions.
Draw a number line with benchmarks.
Remember to show your proof!

a) 50 - 17=
b)100 - 18=
c) 5000 - 350=
d) 34 000 - 17 000=

Monday, April 4, 2016

April 4, 2016


Please return the Aggie Days field-trip forms asap!

Math Homework

Practice the Zero Zapper subtraction strategy.  
Remember to show proof that your answer is correct!

a) 90 - 6=
b) 900 - 454=
c) 16 000 - 3432=

Friday, April 1, 2016

April 1, 2016


Please return permission, acknowledgement of risk and medical forms for the Aggie Days field trip asap!

Math Homework

Zero Zapper Subtraction Strategy

Use the Zero Zapper Strategy to solve the following questions.
*Remember to subtract one from both of the numbers from only the ones column.
*Remember to draw the place-value chart.
*Use a different strategy to check if your answer is right for each question.

a) 600 - 376=
b) 9000 - 4879=
c) 67 987 - 54 898=

Decomposing Subtraction Strategy

Use the Decomposing Strategy to solve the following questions.
*Remember to draw the place-value chart.
*Remember to draw base-10 blocks.
*Remember to write the number in expanded form. 
*Remember to write the number in standard form at the end for the answer.
*Use a different strategy to check if your answer is right for each question.

a) 600 - 376=
b) 9000 - 4879=
c) 67 987 - 54 898=