Thursday, March 31, 2016

March 31, 2016

Free Field Trip - Aggie Days @ Stampede Park

*The bus for the field trip is funded by our school Parent Association. THANK YOU!!!

*This field trip will provide students with opportunities to learn more about Alberta's agriculture industry and how agriculture has an impact on our daily lives.

*Please read, sign and return the permission and medical form by no later than Wednesday, April 6th

*If you are interested in volunteering and have security clearance please contact me by phone or e-mail.

*If your child will not be participating please contact the school.

Grade 4 Students 
Students will be participating in the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS).  For more details please read the notice that will be coming home today.

The April calendar and newsletter is coming home today!

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

March 30, 2016

Digital Champions

If you have brought back a permission form - you will begin the club tomorrow.
If you go home for lunch, please bring a lunch with you.  There will be no cost to stay at school. 

Social Studies

Students please share parts of your identity with your family or friends.
1. What traits make up your identity?
2. What personal preferences contribute to your identity?
3. What memories add to your identity? 


Draw a place-value chart and base-10 blocks to solve one of the following options:

Option A

Option B

Option C
67 985 - 62 999=

Check your answer using the inverse operation - addition.
Do a presentation for someone in your family and explain how you solved the problem like we do in class.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

March 29, 2016

Parent Teacher Conferences

Conferences will be held on Thursday, April 21 and on Friday, April 22. 
Please note that the start date for parent bookings is at 4:00 PM on April 15, 2016.
Please click on this link on that date, at that time to book.

Math Homework

a) The difference between two numbers is 13.  What could the numbers be?
b) The difference between two numbers is 234.  What could the numbers be?
c) The difference between two numbers is 4589.  What could the numbers be?

What strategy did you use to solve the question?
How can you prove your answer is correct?

Digital Champions Club

*Forms are due on Thursday, March 31.  
*Students in grade 2, grade 3 and grade 4 have the opportunity to develop their confidence and skills using digital technologies, such as Photobooth, Comic Life, Green Screen, Garageband, SMART Notebook and iMovie.  
*The club will run on specific Monday's and Thursday's during the lunch hour from 12:00-12:45 in March and April.  Please see the schedule.  Students who go home for lunch need to bring a lunch and eat with the club.
*20 students can participate.  If more than 20 students would like to participate a lottery will be used to draw names.

Participate in Public Workshops on Transportation Service

Please read the letter coming home today.

Friday, March 18, 2016

March 18, 2016

Spring Break

Have a restful, engaging and safe Spring Break!
Classes will resume on Tuesday, March 29th.



Solve the questions below.
For each question use the

  • regrouping strategy
  • explosion strategy
  • adding left to right
You should get the same answer when you use all 3 strategies.

a) 34+19=
b) 457+327=
c) 3945+4673=
d) 45 983 + 47 983=

Create a different word problem and solve it for each question above.  
For example make up and addition word problem using a) 34+19=

Remember to create a problem in which you can 
  • circle key math words (add, combine, altogether)
  • use the numbers from the questions a,b,c and d above.  
  • if you need ideas to create a math problem, look in a book like we did in class
  • write a math sentence - use the addition sentences from the questions a,b,c and d above
  • show you work with a picture and explain your strategy
  • prove your answer 
  • write a sentence answering your question
Physical Education

Present your gymnastics routine to a family member or friend.

Language Arts 

Teach the 'sandwich' persuasive technique to someone.
Remember to use transition words and descriptive words.
The formula is what-why-why-why-what was that again?

Here are some topics you can persuade someone about
  • Should we have desks or tables in the classroom?
  • Should students be allowed to wear hats in school?
  • Should we build a new playground at Vista Heights School?

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

March 15, 2016


Pizza Lunch is tomorrow!  If you have paid please do not bring a lunch.

Math Homework

Please change the following numbers into compatible numbers and add them.
Remember to draw the place-value chart.

a) 37 + 62
b) 613 + 403
c) 1417 + 3691
d) 64 232 + 59 111

Monday, March 14, 2016

March 14, 2016


There is no school this Friday as it is a Professional Development Day.
Classes will resume on Tuesday, March 29 after Spring Break.

Math Homework

Turn the following numbers into Compatible Numbers like we practiced in class today and add them.
Why do we need to know how to turn numbers into compatible numbers?

a) 67 + 35
b) 489 + 743
c) 3454 + 8789
d) 54 398 + 42 909

Friday, March 11, 2016

March 11, 2016

Telus Spark

Thank-You to our volunteers who made the Telus Spark field-trip a success!
Thank-You to Parent Council for making it possible for us to engage in such a wonderful learning experience!


Thursday, March 17th is the last day of school before Spring Break.
There is no school on Friday, March 18th as it is a Professional Development Day.
Classes resume on Tuesday, March 29th.

Math Homework
Practice the left to right addition strategy.
*Remember, we do not regroup when doing this strategy!

Option A) 35+45
Option B) 349+811
Option C) 5694+3452
Option D) 34 906 + 45 989

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

March 8, 2016


Please be on time in the morning for the Telus Spark field trip.  
The bus will leave at 9:00am sharp.
Please dress appropriately for the weather, bring a snack, lunch and water.

Monday, March 7, 2016

March 7, 2016

Books For Kids

CBE is pleased to collaborate with a group of of corporate and community partners to give children the gift of reading.
Books For Kids is an initiative that puts books in the hands of children who may have limited access to materials in their homes.


Conoco Phillips Canada
Weigl Educational Publishers Limited
Grand & Toy
Morgex Insurance
MEG Energy
Calgary Hitmen
United Library Services
Sunterra Market


Telus Spark permission and medical forms were due today.
Pizza forms are due on Wednesday, March 9, 2016.

Math Homework

Practice adding left to right.

a) 542+321
b) 5632 + 2543

Friday, March 4, 2016

March 4, 2016


*All forms for our Telus Spark Science Center field-trip are due on Monday, March 7.
*Pizza orders and money are due asap. No later orders will be accepted.

Math Homework

*Practice adding from left to right using the strategies we practiced in class today.  
*Cross out each column as you go from left to right.
*Remember that each number is worth a different value according to its position in the place-value chart.
*Remember to add all of the numbers at the end.

b) 368+423

Thursday, March 3, 2016

March 3, 2016

Important Notices

Telus Spark Field Trip

The medical form required for our Telus Spark field trip will be coming home today.  
Please sign and return by no later than Monday, March 7.  Sorry for any inconvenience. 
All forms for this field trip are to be signed and returned by this date.  If your son or daughter will not be going please contact the school so other arrangements can be made.


Students will bring home their swimming report cards today.


Pizza orders are due asap.  No late orders will be accepted

Math Homework

Round the following numbers to the nearest hundred.

a) 567
b) 321
c) 949
d) 650

How do you know if you round the number up or down?

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

March 1, 2016

Telus Spark Science Centre Field Trip

We are happy to announce that our  class have been given the opportunity to visit the Telus Spark Science Centre on Wednesday, March 9, 2016.  This trip is fully funded by our school Parent Association.  THANK YOU!!!

As this is a full day field trip, please ensure that your child brings a healthy snack, a lunch and a water bottle.  Students need to dress for the weather in case the bus has a mechanical failure.

Please sign and complete the attached "Acknowledgement of Risk" form and return it by no later than Monday, March 7, 2016.

Important Reminders

*The March Newsletter is coming home today
*Pizza Lunch order forms and money are due