Wednesday, October 28, 2015

October 28, 2015


Grades 4 - 5

Student please continue preparing for your French Test tomorrow on the days of the week, numbers 1-20 and the months of the year.  Please visit the previous blogs for the vocabulary you will be tested on and for study tips.

Halloween Costumes

*Can be worn in the afternoon on Thursday, October 29th 
*Students can change into their costumes during lunch time
*Please make sure costumes are easy to change into and do not require assistance
*To ensure privacy and student safety, parents will not be allowed to go into the student washrooms with students to dress them and no weapons (even if they are plastic) or masks are allowed

Thank you for your cooperation!

Monday, October 26, 2015

October 26, 2015


There is no school on Friday, October 30th as it is a Professional Development Day.

Math - Mrs. Johl's Class

*Please prepare for your math test on Wednesday, October 28th
*Practice counting by 2's, 3's, 4's, 5's, 10's and 100's from anywhere between 1 and 1000
*Practice the following questions when preparing for your test

Task#1 Count by 2's and fill in the missing numbers

___ , ___ , ___ , 402, ___, ___, ___, 

Task #2 Count by 3's and fill in the missing numbers

___ , ___ , ___ , 630, ___, ___, ___, 

Task #3 Count by 4's and fill in the missing numbers

___ , ___, ___ , 36, ___, ___, ___, 

Task #4 Count by 5's and fill in the missing numbers

___ , ___ , ___ , 910, ___, ___, ___, 

Task #5 Count by 10's and fill in the missing numbers

___ , ___ , ___ , 600, ___, ___, ___, 

Task #6 Count by 100's and fill in the missing numbers

___ , ___ , ___ , 400, ___, ___, ___, 

French Grades 4+5

Practice writing and saying the following words for your test on Thursday, October 29th.
If you are allowed to with your family's permission, you can review videos on youtube by artist Alain Le Lait.

Les Mois de l'Annee - The Months of the Year

Les Jours de la Semaine - The Days of the Week

Les Chiffres et les Nombres de 1 a 20 - Numbers and Digits from 1 to 20

Friday, October 23, 2015

October 23, 2015

October 23, 2015 

Picture Day

*Monday, October 26th
*All students will be in the class photo and will receive a free copy of the class photo
*If you wish to have an individual photo of your child please complete the notice 
*Write your child’s name & grade and choose a pose and a background

Math - Mrs. Johl's Class

*Please prepare for your Math Test on Wednesday, October 28th
*Practice counting by 2's, 3's, 4's, 5's, 10's and 100's from anywhere between 1 and 1000
*Practice the following questions when preparing for your test

Task#1 Count by 2's and fill in the missing numbers

___ , ___ , ___ , 402, ___, ___, ___, 

Task #2 Count by 3's and fill in the missing numbers

___ , ___ , ___ , 630, ___, ___, ___, 

Task #3 Count by 4's and fill in the missing numbers

___ , ___, ___ , 36, ___, ___, ___, 

Task #4 Count by 5's and fill in the missing numbers

___ , ___ , ___ , 910, ___, ___, ___, 

Task #5 Count by 10's and fill in the missing numbers

___ , ___ , ___ , 600, ___, ___, ___, 

Task #6 Count by 100's and fill in the missing numbers

___ , ___ , ___ , 400, ___, ___, ___, 

French Grades 4+5

Practice writing and saying the following words for your test on Thursday, October 29th.
If you are allowed to with your family's permission, you can review videos on youtube by artist Alain Le Lait.

Les Mois de l'Annee - The Months of the Year

Les Jours de la Semaine - The Days of the Week

Les Chiffres et les Nombres de 1 a 20 - Numbers and Digits from 1 to 20

Thursday, October 22, 2015

October 22, 2015


Our Pizza Lunch is tomorrow!

Picture Day

*Monday, October 26th
*All students will be in the class photo and will receive a free copy of the class photo
*If you wish to have an individual photo of your child please complete the notice 
*Write your child’s name & grade and choose a pose and a background


*Please prepare for a Math Test on Wednesday, October 28th
*Practice counting by 2's, 3's, 4's, 5's, 10's, 100's from anywhere between 1 and 1000

Monday, October 19, 2015

October 19, 2015


Picture Day is on Monday, October 26th!  Students will be bringing home a form.  Please select a pose and background colour of your choice and return the form with your child.


1. The SLA's will continue tomorrow.  Please practice the questions from Friday's blog.

2. Students please share with your parents what time and where you will be doing your homework on a regular basis. If you do not have a homework routine please discuss one with your family.

Friday, October 16, 2015

October 16, 2015


*Pizza notices and money are due on the morning of Monday, October 19th.
*Grade 3 students have been working hard to prepare for the written components of their Student Learning Assessments. Please see the schedule below. 

Literacy Performance Task -  Monday, October 19th
Numeracy Performance Task - Tuesday, October 20th 

Language Arts
Students in order to prepare for the SLA's next week please continue practicing the strategies we have been using in class.

Practice Question

Design the gym of your dreams! Show your thinking.  Good Luck:) 

Step #1 Web - make a web and jot down all of your ideas using words and symbols
Step #2 Sketch - draw a rough draft of what your gym will look like (remember to prioritize)
Step #3 Sentences - write down 5 sentences explaining what you want in your gym and why
Step #4 Edit - edit your sentences for capitalization, uppercase/lowercase and periods

Students in order to prepare for the SLA's next week please continue practicing the strategies we have been using in class.

Practice Question

The toy fairy has left 35 popsicle sticks in your toy box.  
You decide to make triangles and squares.  
Each triangle is made with 3 popsicle sticks.  
Each square is made with 4 popsicle sticks.
How many squares and triangles can you make altogether?

Step #1 Web - make a web and jot down all of the important pieces of information 
Step #2 Sketch - draw all of the triangles and squares you can make 
Step #3 Sentences - write down the strategy you used to figure out how many squares and triangles you could make using 35 popsicle sticks (look at your sketch)
Step #4 Edit - edit your sentences for capitalization, uppercase/lowercase, and periods

Thursday, October 15, 2015

October 15, 2015


Parents please ensure your children are dressed appropriately for the weather.  Some students are wearing hoodies instead of jackets.

Language Arts

Students please explain what a concept map is to a family member.  Practice making a concept map for the house of your dreams.  Remember to include a web, a sketch and brainstorm 5 sentences with reasons as to why your home should have the things you would like.


Students practice answering the following question using the strategies we have been practicing in class.

If you have 45 wheels altogether, how many skateboards, scooters and bikes can you make?  Each skateboard has 4 wheels, each scooter has 3 wheels and each bike has 2 wheels.  Make sure to include pictures, numbers and sentences explaining your strategy.  

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

October 14, 2015

October 14, 2015

Math Homework

Use the chart to answer the following questions.

Which numbers repeat when counting by 2's up to 100?
Which numbers repeat when counting by 5's up to 100?
Which numbers repeat when counting by 10's up to 100?

Please come prepared to class with your answers tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

October 13, 2015

October 13, 2015

Students will be bringing home a pizza lunch form.  If you would like your child to participate please sign and return the form with the money no later than the morning of Monday, October 19th.  No late orders will be accepted.



Students please come to class prepared tomorrow with your answer to the following question:  If you count by 3's up to 100 which numbers repeat?  What pattern do you see? Use the 100 chart to help you.

Language Arts

Please make up and share sentences with your family in the past tense, present tense and future tense. If you are not sure what this means please review the video 'Tenses' on

Friday, October 9, 2015

October 8, 2015

October 9th, 2015


*There is no school on Friday, October 9th as it is a Professional Development Day.
*There is no school on Monday, October 12th as it Thanksgiving.
*Choir notices are due by Wednesday, October 14th.


Language Arts

Students please share with your family what the following words mean and provide examples of when you use them.

*lowercase letters
*capital letters
*proper nouns 
*uppercase letters 

If you forget what any of the words mean or forget how to explain them, please review the video called 'Capital and Lowercase' on


Explain to someone in your family the pattern you see on the number chart below when counting by:

*2s up to 100
*3s up to 100
*5s up to 100
*10s up to 100

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

October 7, 2015


Language Arts

Today we learned a lot about sentences.  Please share with your family what the following words mean:

*what do all sentences begin with?
*what do all sentences end with?

If you are unable to explain any of the words or questions above please review the video called 'Types of Sentences' on


With your family's permission do math and exercise together!  Watch the videos counting by 2s, 3s, 5s, 10s by the group Have Fun Teaching on Youtube.

Monday, October 5, 2015

October 5, 2015

October 5, 2015


Today we completed the Digital Grade 3 Numeracy Test!  Please discuss with your parents how you felt during the test.


Please practice the SLA literacy questions tonight for the test tomorrow.

Friday, October 2, 2015

October 2, 2015

October 2, 2015


Grade 3 students are writing the Digital Student Learning Assessments on Monday, October 5th beginning at 9:00am and on Tuesday, October 6th. Please ensure you child is on time to make sure they get adequate time to complete their test. 


*Choir notices for students in grade 3 are being sent home today.  Please read, sign and return if you would like your child to participate
*A letter from the Board Of Trustees will be sent home today


*Practice counting and writing by 2s, 3s, 5s, 10, to 100
*Practice the digital literacy and numeracy questions for the SLAs 

Thursday, October 1, 2015

October 1, 2015

October 1, 2015


Students practice counting aloud with a family-member by 

*2's up to 40
*5's up to 100
*10's up to 200
*3's up to 30

Please continue practicing for the SLAs at home by visiting the website listed on the previous blog.


The October newsletter is coming home today with students.  Our virtue for the month of October is curiosity.


The hot soup program began today and we enjoyed beef-rice soup!